Urkund opastusta

Tämä pohja sisältää tutkimusaiheita projektitehtäville, hankeharjoituksille ja/tai opinnäytetöille VAMKin TKI-alustojen ylläpitäminä. | In this workspace you will find topics for course projects, training projects and/or thesis. The space is maintained by the RDI platforms @VAMK

Project Management for my International Week @BAA Aarhus Denamrk

Tässä on selityksiä oliopohjaisen systeemityön ja ohjemistokehityksen käsitteisiin. Tämä on avoin kaikille ja voit ilmoittautua suoraan tässä Portaalissa. 

Office 365-koulutus

KNO testiä varten

This page is for downloading programs mentioned in ICT Basics.

This course contains instructions and templates for the H2C -teachers.

This course contains start information for students taking courses in the High Way to Code (H2C) Program

Global Project Management (VAMK/Avans Minor)

This course is created for the Minor "Creating Sustainable Business Solution", which is a collaboration between VAMK and Avans University of Applies Sciences. The course is used to share general information about the Minor for the Autumn 2021 and as an information channel to students and teacher whenever needed.   

This course is created for the Minor "Creating Sustainable Business Solution", which is a collaboration between VAMK and Avans University of Applies Sciences. The course is used to share general information about the Minor and as an information channel to students and teacher whenever needed.